Vibes Candles: Winner of The Next Top Maker 2021
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By Alexis
The Wooden Wick Co. is a company out of California who’s mission is to elevate, educate, and inspire by providing unique innovative products and resources to help makers succeed. They had announced their 2021 Next Top Maker contest a few weeks back. I had looked at their announcement a few times and said to myself, “maybe I’ll submit my story”. I kept looking at the details they had sent out and I just couldn’t get to the point where I was ready to send in my submission. But on April 14th which is the day of my nieces 5th birthday I had something tell me to stop what I was doing and just create a video that expressed why I should be the Next Top Maker. It all came to a full circle from when I had first started to think about Vibes Candles. The time when I unexpectedly lost my Mom in 2017 and at the same time found out that my niece (at 18 months) was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer. It was the darkest time of my life other than loosing my father at 19 years old in 2002. In a time of darkness I had found my light again and I knew I needed to share my story with the world. I put my camera on a tripod, sat down and did my thang. I spoke from my heart, I expressed my love for Vibes Candles, my small business and shared why I thought I should be picked as the Next Top Maker. I was confident, and ready to take my business to the next level and this was a great opportunity to do so. After I was done, I actually cried because I felt like I already was winning. I had built my business from the ground up, I turned my darkness into light, my niece is now in remission and that same day she turned 5. That’s all I wanted, we made it!
I submitted my entry form with the video I had created and said, “Mom, let’s do this”.
I had been looking at all of the amazing submission videos that everyone was sending via the #NTM on Instagram. It was fun to watch everyone’s story come to life. Each and every small business had a reason why, it was truly inspiring to see how many submission there were.
I was waiting to see when they would be announcing who the Next Top Maker was, I was so curious and excited. Who will it be?
On Monday April 26th I received an email from Charlotte who is the Chief Operations Officer for The Wooden Wick Co. She wanted to chat the next day about my Next Top Maker Submission. I didn’t think anything of it since Charlotte and I are always emailing back and forth, I just thought she had a question about something I submitted. I didn’t think anything of it really. She scheduled a call for the next day, Tuesday, April 27th at 4:30pm est.
I woke up and went along with my day, and received a notification that it was time to hop on a Zoom call with Charlotte. We chatted for a bit and she stated that she wanted my opinion on who they should choose for The Next Top Maker 2021. My heart kind of sunk thinking I wasn't the chosen grand prize winner but then realized that she had respected me and my business that much that she wanted my opinion and help on who The Next Top Maker should be. Potentially not being the winner did squish my heart a bit but I stayed positive and we went along with out conversation. Charlotte said, "do you have your phone on you?, I want you to type into Instagram who we think is The Next Top Maker." I replied, "I sure do, go ahead". Charlotte started spelling out the business, "V I B..." and I yelled, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" (but I meant it in such a nice way). I knew right then that she tricked me, VIBES CANDLES is what she was spelling out. I was the Grand Prize Winner and The Next Top Maker 2021. I cried, I was so extremely happy, humbled and really grateful. All the hard work, dedication and love for Vibes Candles has really paid off. WOW!
WOW, I did it! What does this mean? Being awarded The Wooden Wick Co.'s Next Top Maker 2021 means the following:
1. $5000 Small Business Grant + Wooden Wick Maker Supplies
2. 5 One-on-One Educational Consults Tailored to Your Business Needs
3. Year-long Maker-in-Residence Status with The Wooden Wick Co.
4. A Wooden Wick Spotlight
5. Premier VIP Discounts
6. Guaranteed Product Placement in West Hollywoods, Candle Delirium
With so much appreciation, love and gratitude THANK YOU to Wooden Wick Co. for an amazing contest. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Vibes Candles. I also wanted to send my Congratulations to all of the small businesses and makers who sent in their videos and submissions for The Next Top Maker you are all so amazing and I wish you all Good Vibes and continued success in all that you do. Never give up, keep reaching for the stars and say positive.